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Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page, here you can read common questions that are asked frequently. If you have any other questions that are not mentioned on this page, please get in touch via facebook or our contact page.

Welcome to our FAQ page...
Question: Are you the big car boot sale directly next to the A3?
Answer: Yes!
Question: Do you have a what 3 words location?
Answer: Yes! ///trades.rests.logs
Question: Are there any restrictions to what we can sell?
Answer: Yes, no alcohol, tobacco, fake goods, canned/bottled drinks or hot food.
Question: What time can sellers arrive?
Answer: Any time after 6.30 am.
Question: What time can buyers arrive?
Answer: Any time after 7.30 am. PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE ANY EARLIER
Question: What are the charges for Buyers?
Answer: £2.00 per car or motorbike which is payable on exit for safety reasons. £2.00 per person if on foot or bicycle which is payable on entry.
Question: Do I need to book a pitch?
Answer: No, just turn up and follow the signs for sellers. We have never turned anyone away in over 20 years.
Question: Are there toilets on site?
Answer: Yes, at the top of the first field.
Question: Why do you always make us park at the bottom and not the closest spot as I come in?
Answer: We need to control the traffic flow very carefully, by parking at the bottom it keeps the road flowing. The Bootsale continues all the way down to the car park so you are not missing anything just starting from the other end.
Question: Do you have disabled parking?
Answer: Yes, PLEASE SHOW YOU BADGE TO OUR STAFF AS YOU DRIVE UP THE SLIP ROAD. They will then direct you to the correct car park.
Question: Why are we not allowed to stop on the entrance roads?
Answer: We make every effort to keep traffic moving to prevent a queue developing on the A3. By stopping on the entrance roads you are causing a danger to those behind you. DO NOT STOP OR PARK ON THE ENTRANCE ROADS - Use the car parks.
Question: Are Dogs Allowed?
Answer: Yes but must be kept on lead.
Question: Do you operate on Bank Holiday Mondays?
Answer: In general No. We may do if the Sunday is cancelled due to weather.
Question: Do you hire tables?
Answer: No. Some people just lay their items on sheets on the floor.
If we have missed anything, please contact us via email on the contact page
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